
Propane Office
W505 South Drive
Stephenson, MI 49887
Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:30pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
SMC Propane Tank Set Information
Propane Tank Lease
The lease shall remain in effect for 20 years. A lease year is defined as March 1 through February of the following year. The 1st partial year lease starts following installation and the 1st fill. The first partial lease year cost is $1. The following annual cost to lease is determined by size and/or usage. SMC is solely responsible for the maintenance and servicing of the leased equipment.
Seasonal / Camps / Cottages / Garages
120-gallon tank – $100/year Flat Fee
250-gallon tank – $120/year Flat Fee
500-gallon tank – 600-gallon usage or prorated usage of $175.00/year
Commercial (high volume)
1000-gallon tank – 1200-gallon usage or prorated usage of $200.00/year
Tank Installation and Hook Up
The cost of tank installation and hook up is $99. This includes 1st stage regulator, fittings, tank blocks, pigtail, tubing up to 20 feet and labor up to 20 feet of line. Gas check and pressure check. Additional costs if needed; 2nd or twin stage regulator - $95, tubing beyond 20 feet, labor beyond 20 feet of line - $95 per hour, extra parts or fittings at current rate.
Keep Fill Delivery Plan and Will Call Plans Available at no extra charge.
The Keep Fill delivery plan attaches a monitor to the tank and is refilled when about 20-30% is remaining. Tank must be accessible at all times and a current credit on your account. 2nd homes or seasonal homes may not be eligible for this plan.
The Will Call plan requires the customer to take full responsibility of letting SMC office know when your tank is between 20-30% full. This allows your driver 5 working days to deliver your requested fill amount or minimum of 200 gallons for 500 gallon tank and minimum of 400 gallons for 1000 gallon tank. If you need a delivery sooner than the 5 working days or you run out, there will be an appropriate trip charge. Tank must be accessible at all times and a current credit on your account. SMC will not change your plan without notifying you.
All tank sizing is subject to management review. Camp/cottage subject to accessibility and extra delivery fee may apply.